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02 grudzień 2019 Dział: Konkursy Napisane przez  Olimpia Herman

Konkurs Wiedzy o Krajach Anglojęzycznych - IV Tura

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Ostatnia runda pytań! Jak zwykle, odpowiedzi możecie dostarczyć osobiście w poniedziałek (09.12 ) lub mailowo.

  1. What is the name of the one of the seven wonders of the natural world in Australia? (2 points)
  2. In Australia, which of these events DOES NOT take place on Boxing Day? (2 points)
    A. Test match cricket
    B. Sales, sales ... more sales
    C. The Sydney to Hobart yacht race
    D. Fireworks on Sydney Harbour
  3. What is the name of this building? What tradition began here in 1889? Describe its story. (4 points)
  4. Christmas time in Ireland is when families like to get together and share in the joy of the festive season, exchanging gifts, singing songs and over-indulging in food. There are a few of the best Irish Christmas traditions. Choose 4 and describe them briefly. (4 points)
  5. What is the name of this popular Christmas song? Who originally sang it? What was the inspiration for this song (3 points)
  6. What is the name of this American Christmas comedy film? What famous actor played the leading role? (2 points)


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